Ready, Set, Get Your Dental Supplies Organized with Tip Out Bins

1-Let’s get started.
One of the hardest questions asked in any field of work is, “Are we truly willing to get organized?” If the answer is yes two results must follow.
1-Major cleaning needs to happen. Grab that old stuff no one uses, but keeps around anyway and get rid of it.
2-Remove most of the products from treatment rooms and free the workspace from clutter.
My approach to solving this problem is not to gradually transition into an organized office, but to make the decision and commit to the change immediately and fully. There is no reason to say, “Let’s try it out.” Organization and storage systems are not something that can be done half way and be successful. Change needs to occur.
Different types of organizational systems available, such are, shelves that can be built and installed, shopping at the container store, or purchase tip out bins from Tip out bins require an investment and will provide an increase in efficiency and solve many inventory problems. Around 95% of offices share the common issues of running out of products, having expired products, or ordering too much product. How simple the solutions to those problems are with these organizing systems.
Now the decision is made and yes, the office is ready to get organized. How exciting and scary! Do not get overwhelmed. I highly recommend purchasing tip out bins from Many of the references in this article will be made to their products as I illustrate how they are utilized in the dental industry. In addition, their team has agreed to provide major discounts to all customers of Zen Supplies, which we lovingly refer to as Zenners!
2-How to calculate what is needed.
Let us keep this simple and figure two treatment rooms will need one section of bins. If an office has five ops my general suggestion is to start with two sections of bins (two Zen27 configurations). Please note that if you are located in Manhattan and two ops practice is in 700SF, your office will need a different setup. The general rule for getting what the office needs is two treatment rooms will need one section, three and four treatment rooms will need two sections, and five treatment rooms will need three sections.
Another suggestion is that Hygiene receive its own section. The reasoning is that different compartments will be needed for other items used such as toothpaste and toothbrushes.
If your office is a multi-specialty office then add a section for each specialty. This will simplify your workflow and increase efficiency knowing that one section will be dedicated to Ortho. There is also the option for a different color to show which section will be assigned to the other parts of the office.
3-Getting organized.
Now that the needs of the office for tip out bins has been calculated it is time to get organized. Again, the website to go to is to fill your needs and remember Zenners will receive a 11% discount.
General practice should purchase one the following combination per treatment (Internal name Zen27).
-1 units of 2-compartment bins (Select Here)
-3 units of 3-compartment bins (Select Here)
-3 units of 5-compartment bins (Select Here)
-5 units of 6-compartment bins (Select Here)
Hygiene should get this type of setup.
-2 units of 2-compartment bins (Select Here)
-3 units of 3-compartment bins (Select Here)
-2 units of 5-compartment bins (Select Here)
Specialty offices can follow a setup similar to general. However, as Zen Supplies works more closely with specialty offices, such as Ortho, I can update the process and setup.
4-Figuring cost.
I have already mentioned that purchasing tip out bins from or any organizational system is an investment. Do not be daunted by the immediate cost, but consider the long term cost. The office will be saving money in no time now that it is running more efficiently and has become more streamlined. These bins will pay for themselves quite quickly.
Here is an example price for a five operators general practice.
-2 sections for general practice-$324.90 x 2 = $649.80
-1 section for hygiene-$390.74
-TOTAL=$1,040.54 (before tax and shipping)
Entire process of installation is here – click here
Congratulations on all the steps to getting the office more organized and streamlined! The bins have arrived and it is now time to install them. Unpack the boxes and assemble the sections starting with the 2 compartment bins and up. Next, stand the assembled sections against the wall and mark where the holes should placed. A rule of thumb is to have two screws in the wall for each unit.
Installation does not require metal supports to hold the bins, however they do need to be mounted on the wooden studs behind the walls. Purchase long screws (select here) to secure the bins to the studs. If studs cannot be found in the office’s choice of bin placement purchase a screw and anchor combination pack (select here). The anchors are placed in the drywall and secure the screws so that the bins can be installed safely and effectively. In addition, to add more of a look and enhance support to the set up purchase stainless steel washers (select here). An important suggestion is to buy all the above screws, anchors, and washers because one never knows what is behind the wall.
If your office is in the middle of construction, discuss with the contractor the plans for bin placement. Ask for a piece of plywood to be installed behind the wall or add wooden studs so that the bins can be affixed at a later time.
Whether the office has a handy person who can install these or the office needs to hire outside help (there is an app call Handy available-download here) it is time to fill the bins. This is where the creativity and imagination of the office will get the opportunity to shine as the bins are filled however the office desires.
6-Final thoughts
Tip out bins is a product that I highly recommend. Also, Zen Supplies is currently working with the team at to have a web page to view all the configurations based upon the treatment rooms discussed. Even more, all Zenners will get an additional 11% discount.
Yes, changing the office and setting up something new is bold and daring and, some may say, crazy. Yet, here are the results; a new streamlined and efficient office that has less product disarray, saving money through organization, and adding an environment for better workflow. Does that seem crazy? It is practical and necessary in these changing times. So what is your office waiting for? Let’s get organized.
Edited by Paul Martinez